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SAFE2HELP Illinois


Auburn CUSD #10 is participating in a statewide school safety program called Safe2Help Illinois. This program offers students a safe and confidential way to share information that may help prevent suicides, bullying, school violence, and other threats to student safety. The program also includes educational resources for students aimed at fostering a culture of kindness and resources for educators and parents to reinforce the program concepts.

Safe2Help Illinois features a 24/7 helpline (1-844-4-SAFEIL), free mobile app, and dedicated website (www.Safe2Helpil.com). Students can use Safe2Help Illinois to share concerns about themselves or others in a confidential (but not anonymous) environment.

Once vetted, the information will be immediately shared with local school officials, mental health professionals, and/or local law enforcement, depending on the nature of the tip. It is important to note that this program is not intended to punish, suspend, or expel students. Rather, the intent is to encourage students to “seek help before harm,” with the goal of intervening and helping students before they harm themselves or others.

Long-term goals of Safe2Help Illinois are to remove the stigma associated with mental health issues, promote a culture of kindness, and instill important lessons such as the difference between telling and tattling, internet safety, and suicide prevention.

Visit Safe2HelpIL to learn about the resources for your child -- and for you.

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