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AMS Drop Off And Pick Up Routines

August 12, 2021


AMS Morning Drop Off Locations and Routines


Below is a list of locations that parents can drop their kids off in the AM.  Students are not to be dropped off or arrive until 7:45 am.  The building will not be open to students until 7:45am.  Students can play on the blacktop area, grass area, or playground equipment.  If there is inclement weather all students will go to the AMS Gym and sit in designated areas.  Any student needing breakfast should go to the cafeteria immediately upon arrival at school.  8:10am a whistle will blow for all students to line up on the blacktop and be ready to start their day.


  1. Alley behind the school, first double gate north end of blacktop

  2. Alley behind the school, second gate south end of blacktop.

  3. Alley behind the school, band doors south end of building by cafeteria

  4. North Grand by the playground

  5. Front parking lot north end gate to playground 

  6. Front parking lot south end/Bicycle parking 

  7. All Bus riders will be dropped off in the alley at locations 1-3


Pictures of locations:

1.                                             2.                        3.                                        4.

5.                                             6.


PM Pick Up Locations And Routines


All bus riders will line up in the 3rd grade hallway and exit the building through the alley.  Only buses will be allowed to pick up in the alley.

All car riders can be picked up in these locations:

  1.  Front parking lot of the building

  2. Playground gate on North Grand

1.                                     2.


All car riders, walkers, and bike riders will be escorted by teachers to the front parking lot.  All vehicles are to line up in a single file line starting from the far south end of the parking lot just before the handicap parking spaces.  Teachers will help load vehicles parked from the South to the North up to the playground fence.  Once all those vehicles are loaded we will have the next empty vehicle pull all the way up to the handicap spaces and start the process over again.  No students will be allowed to cross the parking lot and enter a vehicle that is waiting in line on the road.  

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