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Help Us Stop Bullying

Bullying has been around for decades but has become very prevalent in our society with social media outlets.  These outlets are at our kids fingertips 24/7 and are very difficult to monitor.  While these outlets are a great way to communicate and keep up with friends/family they can also be used as a bullying tool.  Kids say things that are viewable by millions as soon as they hit the send/submit button. Once they are out there they are very difficult to take back.  

This year we have implemented a few new strategies and systems to help us take on the difficult task of putting a stop to bullying.  One of these procedures is a hotline, which allows parents or students to report a problem that they have experienced or seen without a visit to the office or talk to a staff member.  We want to make it as easy as possible to get as much information as possible to minimize and eliminate any issue we can.

We don't necessarily need your name, we just want any information you have that can help us solve the problem.

E-mail information to: StopBullyingAHS@gmail.com
Text or Call the Stop Bullying Hotline at:  (626) 709-6481

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