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Teen Dating Violence Information and Communication

August 11, 2014

Teen dating violence is unacceptable and is prohibited at Auburn High School. Each student of AHS has the right to a safe learning environment. If any student of Auburn High School is involved in an incident of dating violence they need to . . . read more

IHSA CPR/AED Video for Parents

August 1, 2014

The Illinois State Board encourages parents to watch the following video in regards to giving CPR or using an AED device to resesitate a life. http://www.ihsa.org/resources/sportsmedicine/cprtraining.aspx read more

Changes in Cyber Bullying

Negative Social Interactions Could Have School Consequences

I see social media outlets as great way to receive and share up to date and important information.  In fact, you can get updates from the high school by following @AuburnTrojans on twitter, where I routinely share the morning . . . read more

Help Us Stop Bullying

Bullying has been around for decades but has become very prevalent in our society with social media outlets.  These outlets are at our kids fingertips 24/7 and are very difficult to monitor.  While these outlets are a great . . . read more

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